张艳敏 发表于 2012-7-3 14:45:37


<DIV>公司介绍:<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;webpower 威勃庞尔 成立于1999年,是全球领先的电子邮件营销平台服务机构。公司总部设在荷兰,并在德国、波兰、瑞典、中国以及新加坡等地都设立了分部;客户遍布全球,从跨国500强企业一直到创业型公司,包括:Essent, Omroep.nl (荷兰), Kaupthing Bank, Boehringer Ingelheim (瑞典), Eurocamp (德国), 第九城市/魔兽世界,易趣(中国) 以及Heineken(喜力啤酒), British Telecom(英国电信), Toyota Material Handling(丰田物料), DSM(帝斯曼化工)等全球性知名企业。<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;webpower 威勃庞尔于2005年进入中国市场,当时的电子邮件营销只被作为广告用途。经过7年的坚持,电子邮件营销已被广泛用于从事客户关系管理和对话式营销,业务模式也从最初的邮件发送、功能性模块的开发、邮件设计、专业的市场策划方案等,一直到现在的最新的短信业务。——无不显示出Web Power 威勃庞尔 已是一家行业内提供专业的、全方位服务的公司。<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 电子邮件营销以操作简便、高效能、高回报、低投入等优势,为越来越多、各行各业的公司所推崇,市场需求成几何倍增长。webpower 威勃庞尔 诚邀同样有志于推广电子邮件营销业务的精英加入,在这里你将得到:<BR>&nbsp; - 随着电子邮件营销行业高速发展,带来的前所未有的机遇与挑战;<BR>&nbsp; - 成为市场营销及策划中的一员,不断扩大自己的影响力;<BR>&nbsp; - 接触一流的企业,接受一流的培训,迅速成长;<BR>&nbsp; - 强大的资源支持,做事情事半功倍; <BR>&nbsp; - 有忙也有闲,有自己的时间来完成属于自己的梦想。</DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000080><STRONG>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 如果你是一位热情的、意气风发的、热爱生活的新时代人,而且对我们公司的职位感兴趣,可将您的中英文简历发<FONT color=#000080>至</FONT></STRONG></FONT><STRONG><A href="mailto:hr@webpower.asia"><FONT color=#000080>hr@webpower.asi</FONT></STRONG><FONT color=#000080><STRONG><FONT color=#000080>a</FONT></A><FONT color=#000080>。我们会很认真的阅读每一封来信,期待</FONT>您的关注!</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=4><STRONG><U>Senior Account Manager(Shanghai)</U></STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV>RESPONSIBILITIES<BR>&nbsp; 1. Serve as the key point of clients contact for day-to-day management as well as development, implementation and execution of interactive and/or direct marketing activities for key account<BR>&nbsp; 2. Assist Account Director and Key account manager in campaigns and projects management<BR>&nbsp; 3. Control process, schedule and finance of end to end business operation<BR>&nbsp; 4. Be responsible for account penetration and growth of sales of current and future email marketing products and services.<BR>&nbsp; 5. Give support to delivery quality of email marketing services<BR>&nbsp; 6. Working under pressure</DIV>
<DIV>REQUIREMENT<BR>&nbsp; 1. 3+ years advertising agency or account service experience<BR>&nbsp; 2. Process driven, detail driven, strong logical sense and highly organized individual <BR>&nbsp; 3. Experience with database or technology solution would be a plus<BR>&nbsp; 4. Proven ability of problem solving<BR>&nbsp; 5. Good understanding of marketing new media techniques as well as understanding of overall marketing strategy and integrated communications6. Good command of English</DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=4><U>Account Manager(Shanghai)</U></FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV>Responsibilities:<BR>&nbsp; - Be responsible for all issues involving the customers such as billing,pricing,profitability,contract and give support to&nbsp; delivery quality of email marketing services .<BR>&nbsp; - Be responsible for account penetration and growth of sales of current and future email marketing products and services.<BR>&nbsp; - Ensure that ongoing email marketing projects and customer expectations are being met- Keep internal coordination of all account related activities including marketing campaigns planning,campaign execution,program design etc.</DIV>
<DIV>Requirements:<BR>&nbsp; - Bachelor diploma(preferred marketing&amp;business management )<BR>&nbsp; - 2 year working experience - Project management and marketing planning background is preferable<BR>&nbsp; - Must be good at English. other languages can be regarded as a plus<BR>&nbsp; - Show strong organizational skills, pay attention to detail and a proactive approach<BR>&nbsp; - Be able to integrate in an international environment- Having great interpersonal skills, persuasive and persistent- Recently photo is required</DIV>

张艳敏 发表于 2012-7-3 15:28:38


张艳敏 发表于 2012-7-3 18:51:17


张艳敏 发表于 2012-7-3 18:51:30


何倩莹(韩国、荷兰) 发表于 2012-7-3 20:25:33


谢敬峰(荷兰) 发表于 2012-7-3 21:40:36


张艳敏 发表于 2012-7-4 10:26:53

<div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>谢敬峰(荷兰)</b>: 大力地顶一下。</span></div>谢谢!

张艳敏 发表于 2012-7-4 10:26:53

<div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>谢敬峰(荷兰)</b>: 大力地顶一下。</span></div>谢谢!

张艳敏 发表于 2012-7-4 10:26:58

<div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>谢敬峰(荷兰)</b>: 大力地顶一下。</span></div>谢谢!

张艳敏 发表于 2012-7-4 10:26:58

<div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>谢敬峰(荷兰)</b>: 大力地顶一下。</span></div>谢谢!
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