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yanzhangucd2012 2012-10-12 09:45
Dear Friend,

My name is Zhang, Yan, a PhD researcher at the Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School at University College Dublin. I am conducting this research project together with Prof. Aidan Kelly.

The purpose of this survey is to investigate returnees' adjustment issues, from both human capital and social capital perspectives. In an organizational context, human capital refers to the collective value of your competencies, knowledge and skills which you obtained from your overseas experience; while social capital refers to the relationships and norms which shape the quality and quantity of your social interactions. In this survey, we will use the term "returnee" refers as people, who, went overseas to study for at least half year, have completed a diploma or degree, and then return work in his or her home country.

We hope this study will have long-term benefits for you in China. China begins to take a more prominent role in the world economy, your unique issues and resources should become more central to management researchers. The results provided in this survey will be used for the purpose of gathering aggregate statistics, which will help in understanding the returnees' adjustment issues, and will hopefully lead to higher returnee adjustment ratings in future.

The survey takes 10-15 minutes to answer. All response will be kept confidential. This means that your responses will only be shared with research team members and will ensure that nay information we include in our report does not identify you as respondent.

To thank you for your time, if you’d like we can send you a copy of the completed study, which we will submit for publication to major academic and management journals. If you wish to receive a copy, please kindly let me know.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and wish to thank you again for your time and participation.

Here is a link to the survey:

We do appreciate for your participation!

Yours sincerely,

Yan Zhang
PhD researcher, University College Dublin
teresafan 2011-7-13 10:11
舒铁(德国): 谢谢美女
sunyi315315 2011-7-11 19:36
舒铁(德国): super,warum du zu Japan gehen? zu Reisen machen oder fuer den Job?
  Juristische Studien。
sunyi315315 2011-7-3 02:58
舒铁(德国): ach, gut,danke! und dir?
ich bin gut in Japan.











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