储铁军(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-7-26 16:25:58

迪卡侬类目运营主管Category Operation Leader

●      Basing on deep cooperation with TMALL, I ensure seizing opportunities to attract as many customers as possible from TMALL free resources.●      From a category’s perspect, I endeavour all my efforts to support business team to improve our performance and advance our ranking to get more market share in relative category. ●      Using the online commercial policy, I ensure the long-lasting satisfaction of my customers and the development of my commercial activity performance.
Resources Exploration & Management: ●      By merchandising and data analysis, I maximize internal traffic resources’ performance●      By good communication and negotiation, I develop and utilize more new TMALL traffic resources●      I keep monitor and analyze resources’ performance and debrief and keep improve Event Management: ●      I pilot each activities●      I organize and coordinate each events with good organization skill●      I keep innovative thinking to carry out each event to make it attractive and impressive●      I work with other teams (web marketing team, supply, customer service team, etc) to ensure the activities’ smooth●      I debrief each of my commercial activity. Category Operation & Category Business Management: -       I research & master related categories’ market, competitors, customers and products-       I pilot my category’s sales (Full year, plus monthly update)-       I regularly communicate with Tmall Xiaoer and exchange with them-       I coordinate with Sports team to support them in business improvement-       I follow category’s sales and ranking to achieve the targets-       I master all basic operation work in the Tmall back office
●      Strong executive and sense of well organization●      Powerful and confident communication skill●      Good sense on commercial and control on financial●      Creative on event planning and execution●      Good ability of multi-task management on massive workload●      Strong ability on data analysing●      Good ability of speaking and writing in English●      Sports lover.
●      基于与天猫的深入合作,深入掌握所有可以吸引顾客的所有天猫资源●      从类目的角度,努力支持销售团队以提升类目销售及类目排名●      通过组织、协助店铺活动,确保消费者的满意度与参与度
线上资源开拓与管理:●      通过优化陈列与数据分析,最大化店铺内部各入口的运营表现●      通过与天猫的定期交流及沟通,拓展各个天猫新频道的合作与使用,并最大化天猫各入口资源上线的效果●      持续监控数据并分析站内及站外的资源表现并持续优化 活动管理: ●      充分掌握活动信息并能合理预估每一个活动的目标流量、销售表现●      能领导、组织或协调店铺核心活动的顺利进展●      能创造性地让活动有新意、吸引人●      擅长跨部门合作来保证每个活动的各方面的协调●      通过数据分析,对结果负责并分析总结 类目运营及销售管理: -       研究掌握负责类目的市场环境、竞争对手情况、顾客分析及产品分析-       对负责的类目全年做销售计划并月度计划及总结-       定期与天猫类目小二等交流拜访-       与类目相关的运动销售部门同事合作,共同实现类目销售的增长-       我跟踪类目销售与排名以完成既定目标-       我掌握天猫后台的所有基础运营工作
●      运动爱好者●      1-2年工作经验,极强的执行力与组织力,有过大型线上活动组织经验的优先●      良好并自信的沟通谈判能力●      良好的商业意识与基本的财务知识●      具有创造力与想象力●      多项目管理能力 ●      数据分析能力●      英语听说读写工作地点:上海薪资:10-15K
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