Au tak shing(England)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-2-22 15:33:26

尋找代理商/分銷商/個人代理-香港名腕錶品牌 萬希泉 - 陀飛輪名貴腕錶

Most popular stars and young generation must wear to go out for gathering around the whole world. smile 表情符號
萬希泉 - 陀飛輪 ,你我必買的高檔名貴腕錶。
Memorigin - Tourbillon , you and me must buy to wear the top 100 branded name of high end tourbillon watch.

萬希泉 - 變型金剛系列
Memorigin - Transformers Series日本著名鐘錶檢測-世界級優良時計證書
日本著名鐘錶檢測中心 腕時計修理 マスター 為萬希泉的陀飛輪腕表作了個嚴格的質量測試,由一級時計修理技能士頒發世界級優良時計證書。

MEMORIGIN is awarded to be ranked as "A Grade No. 1" & Model Description by Japan Power Watch Magazine
(Japan Watch Power| 4th, December, 2011)

An Honor To Watch Industry awarded by Hong Kong Intl Antique Watch Associaiton
香港國際古董鐘錶總會 頒發 錶界之光

2011 Hong Kong Creative Cultural Brand awarded by Hong Kong Capital Entreprenuer Magazine
香港資本企業雜誌 頒發 香港創業文化品牌大獎

Corporate Social Responsibility Award 2011 by Hong Kong Metro Box and Metro Daily
香港都市盛世 及 都市日報 頒發 香港社企責任獎

Prime Awards For Brand Excellence 2011 from Metro Box Magazine
香港都市盛世 及 都市日報 頒發 2011 年都市盛世卓越品牌大獎

Hong Kong Emerging Brand 2011
2011 年 香港品牌發展局 頒發 香港 新星品牌大獎
萬希泉 - 陀飛輪名貴腕錶
Like us:

雷頌德 其設計手錶款式 時光機械
Famous Hong Kong Music Composer Mark Lui share about the story of Time Machine.
MEMORIGIN 是香港目前唯一一個高檔陀飛輪手錶品牌。從一個小漁村到現在東方之珠,MEMORIGIN 見證著香港的繁榮和進步,亦同時間享受著此國際大都會帶來的中華文化和國際品味的結合。此錶的每一個零件和螺絲,都注入了中華文化5000 年手工藝的血汗精髓和國際最頂尖的設計。

左邊字為MEM 為Memorial的意思,即“紀念價值”,此錶不但指示時間,更有紀念生命重要時刻的意思。右邊字為ORIGIN 為ORIGINAL的意思,即“獨一無二”的配搭、特性和思維。其中文名為“萬希泉”,感應著香港這美麗海港之繁榮景象和濃郁文化氣色,令此錶如“萬眾希 望的泉源”,以精巧極緻的製錶工藝帶給世界各地的愛錶人仕滿懷的希望和快樂的時間。

Company Background

MEMORIGIN is a Hong Kong company which only produces Tourbillon watches with its own brand name. The development and application of the tourbillon technology by MEMORIGIN can be seen as a major leap of technological advances in the watch industry and a major victory for Hong Kong, China.

With its base founded in Hong Kong, MEMORIGIN has witnessed the miracle of economic transformation of the city from an unnoticed local village filled with largely graceful fishermen to an international city gathered with various professional talents. Getting inspired by Hong Kong’spicturesque Victoria Harbor, MEMORIGIN aims to bring our customers the eternal flow of happiness and sweet memories.

As the name MEM-ORIGIN suggests, our tourbillon watch is a unique timepiece that shares the good memories of the past and carries hope of the future. On the left, MEM means Memorial-this watch not only records time, but also it gathers memories that are the most significant in your life; on the right, ORIGIN means Original. Thus the assembled meaning of the word MEMORIGIN advocates the grandeur idea to provide our clients with selections of timepieces that serve their unique purposes to celebrate and memorize the everlasting memories of their lives.
萬希泉 - Memorigin
陀飛輪 - Tourbillon
Tourbillon Watches

日本著名鐘錶檢測中心 腕時計修理 マスター 為萬希泉的陀飛輪腕表作了個嚴格的質量測試,由一級時計修理技能士頒發世界級優良時計證書。

MEMORIGIN is awarded to be ranked as "A Grade No. 1" & Model Description by Japan Power Watch Magazine
An Honor To Watch Industry awarded by Hong Kong Intl Antique Watch Associaiton
(Japan Watch Power| 4th, December, 2011)
香港代理 Hong Kong Agent

Au tak shing(England)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-2-23 01:14:19


Au tak shing(England)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-2-25 03:02:51


Au tak shing(England)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-2-25 17:05:16


高龙(悉尼)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-2-25 17:59:25


Au tak shing(England)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-2-26 00:17:28

:)PM 我.

Au tak shing(England)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-2-27 19:31:15


韩亚民(美国)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-3-7 02:40:01,求资料

Au tak shing(England)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-3-7 14:06:04


我知谁(新西兰)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2016-3-7 21:08:28

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查看完整版本: 尋找代理商/分銷商/個人代理-香港名腕錶品牌 萬希泉 - 陀飛輪名貴腕錶