Dafoodreview 11/19 Tasty Saturday Event, Kush素食餐厅
For this Saturday we will be having our very first vegetarian restaurant. While some of you may be skeptical, <br> do not take this restaurant lightly. They are from the very same guys who brought you Sushi Abuse. We will be tasting<br>
from a selection of 10 dishes and with coffee and tea after this session. Certainly a nice way to enjoy a Saturday<br>
afternoon with friends.
Name of Restaurant:Kush Restaurant<br>
Time: 12:30 to 15:00<br>
Address: 98 YanPing Road, near XinZha Road, Shanghai<br>
Metro line 9, Zhaojiabang Road Station<br>
(<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E5%B8%82%E9%9D%99%E5%AE%89%E5%8C%BA%E5%BB%B6%E5%B9%B3%E8%B7%AF98%E5%8F%B7+&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=31.22828,121.441927&spn=0.006541,0.009624&sll=31.226032,121.444824&sspn=0.006541,0.009624&vpsrc=0&hnear=98%E5%8F%B7+Yan+Ping+Lu,+JingAnQu,+ShangHaiShi,+China&t=m&z=17" class="wordtext">Click here for map</a>)
Date: 11/19/2011<br>
Cost: 130RMB<br>
Please Indicate if you require a Fapiao when signing in<br><br><font class="wordtext">Here is the menu for Kush Restaurant :
1. Cleansing drink - Passion fruit, ginger & honey<br>
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2. Pumpkin soup - Pumpkin, bell pepper<br>
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3. Spring rolls - Cucumber, carrots, tofu, rice noodles, basil, rice paper<br>
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4. Kush dip platter - Hummus, cashew, pesto, served with Kush pita<br>
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5. Pasta salad<br>
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6. Greek salad - Cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh lettuce, onion, olives , tomato is organic <br>
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7. Kush veggie burger - Garbanzo beans, grilled onion, broccoli, lettuce, tomato, tomato is organic <br>
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8. Arabic wrap - Falafel, hummus, tzatziki, tomato, tomato is organic<br>
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9. Dessert platter – House Daily Special Dessert <br>
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10. Coffee or Tea Provided <br><br>报名地址:<u><font color="#0000F0">http://www.dafoodreview.com/index.php/tasty_saturdays/tosaturdays01</font></u><br><div class="uchome-message-pic"><img src="data/attachment/album/201111/14/45290_1321238635WtTl.jpg"><p></p></div><div class="uchome-message-pic"><img src="data/attachment/album/201111/14/45290_13212386394uu6.jpg"><p></p></div>