<DIV>各位亲们,某地产公司为拓展海外市场项目,现需招聘海归精英,有对熟悉北美地产行业信息或者对此岗位感兴趣这,可速速联系我!</DIV> 有什么要求和条件呢,我在美国芝加哥,对地产行业比较感兴趣<ins class="modify">[本话题由 周游 于 2013-07-15 23:31:45 编辑]</ins> 同问,条件要求等情况 恩,我刚从港中文市场营销系毕业(研究生),之前有5年工作经验,其中4年为市场营销。请问这是个什么样的机会呢?可以把职位描述发给我吗?keke0293@126.com. 谢谢! 同问,工作要求,另外怎么联系你? <div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>周游(美国)</b>: 有什么要求和条件呢,我在美国芝加哥,对地产行业比较感兴趣</span></div>•Fluent in both Chinese and English<br />•B.A. Degree or Master Degree from an accredited American university in real estate, or finance, or related field and/or related work experience <br />
•Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in commercial real estate lending in USA, including valuation, and financial analysis <br />
•Knowledge of the New Jersey/New York real estate market and practices(preferred, but not required) <br />
•A general knowledge of appropriate real estate transfer and collateral documentation, title, legal, and escrow issues <br />
•Excellent composing and writing skills <br />
•Above-average interpersonal skills; ability to communicate verbally with a wide range of people <br />
•Positive attitude and willingness to work <br />
•Responsiveness, judgment, maturity, integrity, and time management skills are required<br />
以上是岗位的要求,工作地点是在深圳,不定期出差。<br />
我们e-mail:284254439@qq.com 各位,不好意思哈!这两天没有登录,才看到各位的帖子,非常感谢各位的支持!希望能与各位共事,或者成为朋友!谢谢!<img src="image/face/1.gif" class="face"> x现在还有在招吗?